cheryl crotty photography

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Girlfriends Weekend...Kennebunkport, Maine

June, was such a busy and a stressful month for me and my family.  In the end though, all went as planned and things are going smoothly once again.  Change is inevitable in life.  Nothing is permanent. My son tells me this all the time and I've learned to roll with it now...enjoy the good times and know when the hard times hit, they to, will pass.  It's been a comforting thought for me now for quite a few years.  Life does throw us curves every now and again and that is when I'm so thankful for Girlfriends...especially my bestie Dina.  June wasn't her best month either so the two of us, hopped in the car and off we went to Kennebunkport, Maine.  Honestly there is nothing like the ocean to soothe the soul and clear the mind.  We had the best week, solving all the problems of the world, everyday taking time to sit by the ocean and be quiet...watching the world or boats go by.  Being quiet is not our strong point but we made it through.  Lastly, I just want to say, the weather could not have been more perfect.  Blue skies, warm in bloom and lots of charmin clouds..  I felt like someone had transported me to utopia and my mind and heart were set right again.

One of the things that I would like to do with my new designed blog is to take you on a few trips with me.  I love to travel and miss not having done as much this past year.  I feel the need though, to get on the move again. I'll also share with you some of the most beautiful places that I have been.  Looking back is always fun. So come to Kennebunkport with Dina and me.  Smell the sea, the salt and even the stinky marsh at low time.  Of course if you were brought up on the ocean, like I was,  that marsh smells pretty good.  Like home and steamed clams.  So enjoy the trip.  By the way, lobster, straight from the ocean, can pretty much cure any aliment also...just add butter.


Blue ocean, blue sky, blue chase  any blues away.

So, I hope you feel so relaxed now.  Just looking back at these again makes my heart slow down a bit.  Kennebunkport is one of my favorite places for a short visit.  It never fails to make me walk lighter and feel like I'm wrapped in a cashmere cloud.  Maybe you have a place near you that feeds your soul.  It's not always about a long trip, it's usually just about resetting our minds and recharging our batteries. A change of scenery to help us realize that even in trouble times, we are surrounded by the beauty of this earth.  The natural wonders of the sea and the smell of flowers in the air. So grab a girlfriend, boyfriend or your dog and just go.  You will be amazed what a few days away does for you.

All of the above photo's were taken with my Fuji Mirrorless camera...the X-E2.  I used two lenses: Fuji 18:55 and the Fuji 18-135.   I've been traveling more and more with this camera..

And just in case these photo's didn't mellow you out...this is what I found this week that you might enjoy...

I'm slowly learning my way around this new format...I hope you enjoy todays post...see you soon...and sending you lots of metta.